Sunday, January 5, 2014


Flexibility is something that needs to be attained at a young age while your muscles and bones are still growing. You can help shape and form them as they grow but this gets harder the older you get and the less you stretch. Also, if you do not keep a consistent stretch regimen you will lose a lot of the flexibility you gained within 1 week. You could dance 10 hours a week and work on nothing but leaps and kicks but if you are not stretching and gaining more flexibility it will all be for nothing. Your dance skills will remain the same for years unless you become more flexible. 

We feel lack of flexibility is holding back our dancers from moving to that next level. We will be bringing in a Stretch specialist to company classes and will also hopefully be starting a stretch class. This contest is open to ALL studio dancers!

We feel so strong about this that we will be doing a CHALLENGE. We want ALL Dancers to have Right and Left splits, and a solid back bend.

Dancers sign a calendar each night when they stretch for 20 minutes a day. Teachers will be working on stretching exercises along with our stretch specialist the next few months to give you tips for at home stretching.

Each month when you have at least 2 hours per week signed on your calendar (you can turn in any printed calendar you choose), you can turn your calendar in at the end of the month and put your name in the drawing. The name pulled out each month from the drawing will win a $100 gift certificate to GROOVE!  This can be used for anything at the store.

We also want you to take picture the first day you start stretching and then When the Challenge is over in May, we want you to take new pictures of the same splits/pose and we will pick a GRAND winner. 

The GRAND winner gets the New American Girl Doll, Isabelle, who happens to be a dancer!

Good Luck


Happy New Year
We are excited for this upcoming year at Elite!

Dates to Remember:
-Our flexibility challenge begins this month! Please see the blog post titled "Flexibility.Challenge" for more information!
-No class Monday, January 20th!

Additional Information:
-Jill's Jazz 3-4 class won the Hot Chocolate party for donating the most food! Good job girls!
-We will be placing one more travel suit order. Come to the front desk anytime to get measured!
-Please remember to tell your dancers not to play in their recital costumes at home. Once the recital is over, they are more than welcome to play in them!
-Come try our boys hip hop class this month for FREE! Ages 5-10.

Performing Dates:
-Lagoon Competition (May 3rd)
       *ALL kindergarten and up classes compete!
       *Times TBD
-Recital Dress Rehearsal (May 8th, 4-8 p.m.) @ Olympus High School
       *All classes must attend besides the baby combo classes
-Recital (May 9th, 6:00 p.m.) @ Olympus High School

Company Reminders:
-Our flexibility challenge begins this month! Please see the blog post titled "Flexibility.Challenge" for more information!
-The new quarter starts January 6th. Please keep in mind your 3 absences. After 3 absences, you will be spaced out of the routines. We appreciate your commitment and hard work this year!
       *Friday rehearsals cannot be missed!
-Please refer to the picture below for Friday rehearsal times!

-HIP HOP companies will rehearse at the studio on Friday, Jan 24th!
       *Intermediate 3-5
       *Advanced 5-7
-Dixon's Money Dance rehearsals:
       *Friday, Jan 24th from 7:30-9pm
       *Saturday, Jan 25th from 12:30-2pm.
       *Location: the studio
-Molly's Party Dance rehearsals:
       *Friday, Jan 31st from 4-7pm
       *Saturday, February 22nd from 9am-noon.
       *Locations: the studio